Release Notes - FaunaDB 2.6.0

Released 01/31/2019

The Fauna team is pleased to announce the availability of FaunaDB 2.6.0. Release 2.6.0 packs a few exciting new features that will improve both operator and developer productivity. Release 2.6.0 supports rolling upgrades from the previous 2.5.8 release. The release is available for download now.


  • Automated log topology: One of the most exciting features of the FaunaDB 2.6.0 release is the automated log topology. Prior to this release, setting up the log topology was a manual step where an enterprise operator had to decide on a log topology up-front. In this release, all the manual steps around log setup go away. It is now completely automated and transparent to the operator. All the operator needs to do is mark a replica as a log and FaunaDB automatically sets up required log segments across the nodes in that replica.

  • Developer productivity: In this release, we have added a whole list of math and string manipulation functions that developers can leverage out of the box in their code. In the past, developers had to rely on functions provided in their host language and manipulate data on the client side. Now, the most common math and string functions can be applied much closer to the data within the database.

  • Security: Encryption in motion with TLS implementation on all communication across the wire.


If you are running FaunaDB version 2.5.4 or prior, you must upgrade to 2.5.8 first and then upgrade to 2.6.0. If you need assistance with the upgrade, contact

List of issues fixed in 2.6.0

  • Made indexes temporal to ensure that they return all appropriate elements of a given snapshot.

  • Ignored older log state transfers to prevent divergent log state.

  • Made At() semantics more intuitive.

  • Improved the ability of nodes to handle being restarted with a new IP address.

  • Added fully bi-temporal storage.

  • Improved RAFT implementation performance by reducing disk activity.

  • Added additional Stdlib string operations in the server.

  • Prevented page size calculation from overflowing and producing unexpected results.

  • Turned off unnecessary logs by default.

  • Ensured encryption options are validated and set "dc" as default.

  • Added the clock to the Console helpers.

  • Ensured log levels are properly set in the Console helpers.

  • Improved performance by waiting for LAT before passing a read to the read scheduler.

  • Removed /usr/lib/usr/share symlink from packages.

  • Fixed issue where log4j shutdown hooks blocked logging messages during shutdown.

  • Addressed very slow memory leak due to use of deleteOnExit.

  • Replaced occurrences of "Logical Datacenter" with "Replica" in product and command tools.

  • Removed some unnecessary vector-to-array-and-back conversions to improve performance.

  • Made sure that the term is now logged in all consensus log messages.

Next Steps

Learn more about FaunaDB from our product page.

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